My sincere apologies for the recent lack of posts. There's been a lot on, I've been very busy and the weather and light have been dismal. On the school run this morning, however, I did stop to capture these sparrows in a hedgerow, the shots made by the delicious light from a leaden sky that was going to unleash heavy rain at any moment.
Canon 1Ds Mk II, Canon 100-400mm IS USM L lens, 1/640th sec, f/11, 400mm at ISO 500 |
Canon 1Ds Mk II, Canon 100-400mm IS USM L lens, 1/640th sec, f/11, 400mm at ISO 500 |
Canon 1Ds Mk II, Canon 100-400mm IS USM L lens, 1/800th sec, f/11, 400mm at ISO 500 |