Common Blue Damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum)

The first keeper from a morning spent introducing my teenage son to the delights – and the challenges and frustrations – of natural world macro photography. While we were blessed with bright sunshine, there was also a constant blustery wind that made focusing tricky. This stunning Common Blue Damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum) helped enormously by remaining on this stalk of grass for 15 minutes or longer. I suspect the reason for that is that it appears to be consuming an aphid.

Canon 1DS MkIII, Canon 100mm L-series prime macro lens,  f/5, 1/320th sec, ISO 400
Canon 1DS MkIII, Canon 100mm L-series prime macro lens,  f/5, 1/125th sec, ISO 400


  1. Apart from your skill in taking the picture, just look at the colour of that Damselfly! Did your son show signs of interest?

  2. He starts a photography degree next month, so I'm just trying to cover off the principal disciplines.
